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3D Printing Services

In late 2020, we received our first 3D printer and a new addiction/love was born. Things have grown and evolved a lot since the original Ender 3v2. We now have both multicolor and multimaterial ability in the shop.

In 2024, we added this beauty to the shop in an attempt to cut down on the amount of waste created from multicolor printing, and to allow us to expand into multimaterial printing.

We currently have a large catalogue of all available files that travels to conventions with us. The vast majority of our files are obtained from Patreon subscriptions that also grant commercial use rights so long as there is an active subscription. A small amount of our files are licensed under Creative Commons-Attribution or Public Domain/Fair Use from the original file creator. We have also reached out to some file creators and obtained commercial use rights for specific files under specific circumstances. All of our files are and always have been meticulously tracked and categorized.

3D Printed RC Cars


2024 brought a new love from 3D printing, Death Racers. Imagine a combination of the old rock'em sock'em robots and battle bots and you roughly have a death racer. It's a completely 3D printed RC car, who's primary goal is to knock the head off it's opponents and be the last bot standing.

This Death Racer is themed after Polymaker's Panchroma filament line. Polymaker encourages people to, at minimum, theme a side panel with their branding in exchange for a gift card. I chose to go full monte and themed both side panels, used the mascot Pavo the peacock as the driver, and utilized my new multimaterial ability to encase PLA inside TPU to create a rainbow effect with the tracks.

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